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15% Off your Next Ramadan Reads
Sedikit, Tapi Cukup: Menyemai Rasa Bahagia Dengan Apa Yang Ada by Fakhri Fadzli
Penulis: Fakhri FadzliPenerbit: IMAN PublicationTahun Terbitan: 2024Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN:Â 9786297665047Bil. Muka surat:Â m/sFormat: PaperbackBerat: 0.3kgSinopsisKita sering merasakan apa yang kita miliki sekarang tidak cukup. Jika ditambah, ada sahaja perkara lain yang kita inginkan dan perlukan. Gajet baru, baju baru, gaji tinggi....
Rahmah: Bagaimana Menerima Ketidaksempurnaan Dengan Merasai Keluasan Kasih Sayang Tuhan Diri by Muzuza
Rahmah: Bagaimana Menerima Ketidaksempurnaan Dengan Merasai Keluasan Kasih Sayang Tuhan Diri by Muzuza
Penulis: MuzuzaPenerbit: IMAN Publication Tahun Terbitan: 2024Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9786297665320Bil. Muka surat:220 m/sFormat: PaperbackBerat: 0.25kgSinopsis“Aku dah penat menangis, tapi tak ada apa pun yang berubah.â€***Sejak kecil, banyak kekecewaan yang dirasai kita simpan dan pendamkan saja. Biar makin sukar, kita tetap berjalan walau...
The Art of Waiting by Ezzah Mahmud
Author: Ezzah MahmudPublisher: IMAN PublicationYear Published: 2024Language: EnglishISBN:9786297665207Format: PaperbackPrice: RM35.00Weight: 0.2kgSinopsis'Good things come to those who wait'But how long must one wait?As Muslims, we are aware of the virtues of bearing patience as stated in the Quran.However, in moments of...
Finding Beauty in the Storm: Comforting Words to Shelter You From Life's Struggles by Pahrol Mohd Juoi
Finding Beauty in the Storm: Comforting Words to Shelter You From Life's Struggles by Pahrol Mohd Juoi
Author: Pahrol Mohd JuoiPublisher: IMAN Publication Year Published: 2024Language: EnglishISBN: 9786297665306Page: 206 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM35.00Weight: 0.2kgSynopsisThere are days when we feel we’re at our lowest that we find it hard to go through the day—especially when the soul is enduring hardship, and...
Redha: Memaknai Rasa Berserah Kepada Tuhan Tatkala Takdir Di Luar Kawalan by Irfhan Fitri
Redha: Memaknai Rasa Berserah Kepada Tuhan Tatkala Takdir Di Luar Kawalan by Irfhan Fitri
Penulis: Irfhan FitriPenerbit: IMAN Publication Tahun Terbitan: 2024Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9786297665313Bil. Muka surat: 195 m/sFormat: PaperbackBerat: 0.2kgSinopsisKita tahu, ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian.Kita tahu, Tuhan mahu yang terbaik untuk kita.Tapi mengapa hati kita masih remuk tatkala diuji dengan sebuah musibah?Mengapa kita...
In Your Hidden Tears: Finding Hope in Despair Through Meaningful Quranic Reflections by Imran Zaki
In Your Hidden Tears: Finding Hope in Despair Through Meaningful Quranic Reflections by Imran Zaki
Author: Imran ZakiPublisher: Iman PublicationYear Published: 2023Language: EnglishISBN:Â 9789672459903Pages: 205 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM35.00Weight: 0.2kgSynopsisOur hearts feel heavy and in despair when we struggle with hardships. We feel sad, uncertain, lonely, and all the emotions that can weigh us down.Just like trials...
Mendakap Kesedihan Dengan Al-Quran by Imran Zaki
View this post on Instagram A post shared by @the_book_n_me Penulis: Imran Zaki Penerbit: IMAN Publication Tahun Terbitan: 2021 Bahasa: Bahasa Melayu Genre:Motivasi Islami ISBN:9789672459286 Bil. Muka surat:222 m/s Format: Paperback Berat: 0.32 kgSynopsis: Kita sering ungkapkan kata-kata ini kepada diri...
Hiduplah Untuk Hari Ini By Muhammad Al-Ghazali
Penulis: Muhammad Al-GhazaliPenerbit: Iman Publication (Ogos 2020)Bahasa: MelayuGenre: Tarbiah, MotivasiISBN: 9789672459026Ketebalan: 453 m/sFormat: SoftcoverSedih, risau, kecewa, gelisah. Mungkin ada di antara kita yang dibelenggu kesilapan lalu sehingga menyalahkan diri sendiri, ataupun resah memikirkan hari esok yang belum pasti. Hakikatnya, kita...
Berdamai Dengan Ketidakpastian by Imran Zaki
Penulis: Imran ZakiPenerbit: Iman PublicationTahun Terbitan: 2023Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672459644Bil. Muka surat: 255m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM32.00Berat: 0.4kgSinopsis“Ah, tertekan betul tengok kehidupan orang lain!â€â€œSampai bila aku nak hidup seorang diri macam ni?â€â€œMampu ke aku survive dengan gaji ni sampai hujung bulan nanti?â€Ada...
Blessings in the Little Things: In Pursuit of Heartwork to a More Meaningful and Intentional Life by Roedah Mansour
Blessings in the Little Things: In Pursuit of Heartwork to a More Meaningful and Intentional Life by Roedah Mansour
Author: Roedah MansourPublisher: Iman PublicationYear Published: 2024Language: EnglishISBN: 9786297665030Pages: 187 pagesFormat: HardcoverPrice: RM49.00Weight: 0.4kgSynopsisLife may feel mundane when we do the same routine every single day. What used to give us joy and purpose have turned into things that numb...
Talk to Allah By Ayesha Syahira
When was the last time you really poured your feelings out to Allah? **** We have been taught that the only time we can communicate with Allah is when we are making du’a to Him. Even then, it comes with...
Seni Berfikir Yang Hilang by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Kalaulah boleh diabaikan saja isu-isu yang menyerabutkan kita pada hari ini, pasti hidup akan jadi lebih mudah. Malang sekali, ia mustahil! Isu-isu ini akan tetap wujud dan berlegar di sekeliling kita. Tanpa prinsip yang jelas, kita akan mudah dipengaruhi oleh...
Light For The Lost Soul
Title: Light For The Lost Soul | Volume 1: Seeking Contentment For The Troubled Heart Author: Mizznina Publisher: IMAN Publication Year Published: March 2021 Genre: Spiritual ISBN: 9789672459088 Size: A5 Page: 288 Format: Hardcover Can you be happy yet still feel lost? After years...
Nabi ﷺ Juga Seorang Manusia by Khubaib Akhi
View this post on Instagram A post shared by IMAN Publication® (@imanpublication) Penulis: Khubaib Akhi Penerbit: IMAN PublicationTahun Terbitan: 2021 Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuGenre: Intelektual Sirah ISBN: 9789672459293 Bil. Muka surat: 320 m/s Format: Paperback Harga: RM35.00 Berat: 0.45 kgSinopsis: Kita selalu disajikan dengan...
Rehatkan Hati Dengan Solat By Pahrol Mohd Juoi
Rehatkan kami dengan solat, wahai Bilal.Begitu kata-kata Rasulullah SAW kepada Bilal RA.***Saban hari, rutin harian yang kita lalui menemukan kita dengan masalah dan cabaran yang membuatkan hati kita berasa letih dan penat. Kita mencari kerehatan dengan hiburan, makan-makan, jalan-jalan, bahkan...
Longing For God's Closeness Rediscovering the Beauty of Daily Prayers by Ayesha Syahira
Longing For God's Closeness Rediscovering the Beauty of Daily Prayers by Ayesha Syahira
Title: Longing For God's Closeness: Rediscovering the Beauty of Daily Prayers Author: Ayesha Syahira Publisher: IMAN Publication Year Published: 2021 Language: English Genre: Spiritual ISBN: 9789672459163 Page: 285 m/s Format: PaperbackIn this book, Ayesha Syahira uncovers her secret gems and reflections on how...
In Their Tested Moments: Stories of Strength, Mercy & Hope of the People in the Quran by Syaari Ab Rahman
In Their Tested Moments: Stories of Strength, Mercy & Hope of the People in the Quran by Syaari Ab Rahman
View this post on Instagram A post shared by IMAN Shoppe Bookstore® (@imanshoppe_official) Author: Syaari Ab Rahman Publisher: IMAN Publication Year Published: 2021 Language: English ISBN: 9789672459316 Pages: 300 pages Format: Paperback Weight: 300 g Synopsis: Through their tested moments,...
Sisi Berakhlak Yang Hilang by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Penulis: Hasrizal Abdul JamilPenerbit: Iman PublicationTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672459323Bil. Muka surat: 205 msFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM35.00Berat: 0.2 kgSinopsis:Mengapa sebenarnya seseorang gagal mencapai apa yang diinginkan dalam hidup? Walhal cita-cita sudah jelas, azam sudah sempurna, dan semangat juga sudah melangit. Rupa-rupanya,...
You Are Loved (Softcover Edition) by Mizi Wahid
Author:Â Mizi WahidPublisher:Â Iman PublicationYear Published:Â 2021Language:Â EnglishISBN: 978-967-2459-25-5Pages:Â 202 pagesFormat:Â PaperbackGenre:Â Spiritual Synopsis: It has become harder to love ourselves each day, especially when all we see are perfectly curated posts of other people's happiness on social media.We begin to fall a downward spiral of thoughts...
Nearness To You by Nur Fadhilah Wahid (Softcover)
Author: Nur Fadhilah Wahid Publisher: IMAN Publication Year Published: 2021Language: English ISBN: 9789672459309 Pages: 241 Format: Paperback / Softcover Price: RM30 Weight:0.34 kg Synopsis Author’s Biodata Reviews Will what you’ve done in the past be a barrier between you and...
Befriending the Quran by Ayesha Syahira
Author: Ayesha SyahiraPublisher: Iman PublicationYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672459408Pages: 165 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM30.00Weight: 0.2kgSynopsis In life, we always have that one friend whom we turn to in times of happy and sad, good or bad. As Muslims, can that ‘friend’...
Nabi ﷺ Juga Disakiti Manusia: Memaknakan Konflik Dalam Perhubungan Melalui Sirah Nabi by Khubaib Akhi
Nabi ﷺ Juga Disakiti Manusia: Memaknakan Konflik Dalam Perhubungan Melalui Sirah Nabi by Khubaib Akhi
Istimewa buat 350 pembeli yang terawal Nabi Juga Disakiti Manusia, anda akan dapat: Senaskah buku Nabi Juga Disakiti Manusia Bookmark Nabi Juga Disakiti Manusia Digital Seerah O’Clock -- Penulis: Khubaib AkhiPenerbit: Iman PublicationTahun Terbitan: 2023Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672459880Bil. Muka surat: 250m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM35.00Berat:...
Healing the Heart: Leaving Darkness for Light by Sharifah Nadirah
Author: Sharifah NadirahPublisher: Iman PublicationYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672459422Pages: 178 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM30.00Weight : 0.25kgSinopsis“So truly with hardship, there is also ease; truly with hardship there is also ease.†(Surah Ash-Sharh: 5 & 6) One of the things we struggle...
Call Upon Him (Softcover Edition) by Mizi Wahid
Author: Mizi WahidPublisher: Iman PublicationYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN:Â 978-967-2459-24-8Pages: 200 pagesFormat: PaperbackGenre: Spiritual Synopsis:We often find ourselves asking, Why hasn't Allah SWT responded to my Du'a?We're told to bear patience but slowly our hope diminishes with each passing day.Is there something...
Showing 1 - 24 of 53 total