2022 Nuzul Quran
2022 Nuzul Quran
Al-Quran Al-Karim Word by Word Translation & Color Coded Tajweed The Noble Quran A4
- Gold
from RM68.00
Al-Quran Al-Karim Word by Word Translation & Color Coded Tajweed The Noble Quran A4
- Gold
Publisher: Karya BestariYear Published: 2016ISBN: 9782130754602Format: HardcoverSize: A4 -pembelian secara pukal atau rundingan harga pukal, sila hubungi  Kak Iman: +60 13-287 5747 Ideal for those who want the Quran English translation word by word, colors tajweed and sign of waqaf (Arabic - English) Al-Quran Al-Kareem Maqdis...
from RM68.00
Al-Quran Al-Karim Mushaf Resam Uthmani Dengan Tajwid Kaedah Berwarna Waqaf Dan Ibtida' A5
- Pink
from RM32.00
Al-Quran Al-Karim Mushaf Resam Uthmani Dengan Tajwid Kaedah Berwarna Waqaf Dan Ibtida' A5
- Pink
Penerbit: Karya BestariTahun Terbit: 2015Genre: Al-QuranISBN: 9789834334352Format: Kulit Keras (Hard cover).Jenis Kertas : Kertas Khusus al-Quran.Kategori: Mushaf Tajwid Berwarna, Resam Uthmani, diluluskan oleh Lajnah Tasheh al-Quran, Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) Malaysia. -pembelian secara pukal atau rundingan harga pukal, sila hubungi  Kak Iman: +60...
from RM32.00
Al-Quran Al-Karim Mushaf Al-Imam
- Maroon
Penerbit: Karya BestariTahun Terbit: 2021Bahasa: MelayuGenre: Al-Quran MushafISBN: 9789834334475Ukuran: 39 cm x 26.4 cmSaiz: B4Ketebalan: 640 m/sHalaman: BerwarnaFormat : Hard cover Keistimewaan: Panduan Tanda Waqaf & Tanda Bacaan Doa Khatam al-QuranTulisan besar dan jelas Kaedah Tajwid berwarna berserta panduan Panduan Waqaf Ibtida' (cara...
from RM79.20
Qur'an Workbook Series: Surah Al-Hujurat
Author: Maria Marzuki, Kritika Sharifuddin, Faridah Idris & Putri Shahnim KhalidPublisher: Tertib publishingYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844051Pages: 56 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM49.00Weight: 0.183 kgSinopsis:Studying any surah of the Qur’an requires many cycles of learning. Different courses, different teachers, and different perspectives always...
Qur'an Workbook Series: Surah As-Sajdah
Author: Maria Marzuki, Kritika Sharifuddin, Faridah Idris & Putri Shahnim KhalidPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844075Pages: 56 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM49.00Weight: 0.182 kgSinopsis:Studying any surah of the Qur’an requires many cycles of learning. Different courses, different teachers, and different perspectives always...
Women in the Qur'an an Emancipatory Reading by Asma Lamrabet
Author: Asma LamrabetPublisher: Square ViewYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN:Â 9780993516610Pages: 177 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM69.00Weight: 0.272 kgSinopsisToday, the issue of Muslim women is held hostage between two perceptions: a conservative Islamic approach and a liberal Western approach. At the heart of this debate...
Ulum al-Qur'an An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an by Ahmad Von Denffer
Author: Ahmad Von DenfferPublisher: The Islamic FoundationYear Published: 2011Language: EnglishGenre: TadabburISBN: 9780860372486Pages: 183Format: PaperbackThis classic and popular introduction to the sciences developed to interpret and understand Islam's holy book is ideal for all serious students of the Koran. Precise, yet...
Reflections on Surah al-Fatihah by Anis Ahmad
Author: Anis AhmadPublisher: The Islamic FoundationYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9780860378426Pages: 69 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM39.00Weight: 0.17 kgSinopsisAl-Fatihah is the most often recited surah of the Qur'an. During our daily prayers, it is recited at least 26 times. In seven short verses...
In Their Tested Moments: Stories of Strength, Mercy & Hope of the People in the Quran by Syaari Ab Rahman
In Their Tested Moments: Stories of Strength, Mercy & Hope of the People in the Quran by Syaari Ab Rahman
View this post on Instagram A post shared by IMAN Shoppe Bookstore® (@imanshoppe_official) Author: Syaari Ab Rahman Publisher: IMAN Publication Year Published: 2021 Language: English ISBN: 9789672459316 Pages: 300 pages Format: Paperback Weight: 300 g Synopsis: Through their tested moments,...
Al-Quran Al-Karim Al-Mujawwad
Penyusun: Prof. Madya Dr. Hj. Abd Rauf Bin Tan Sri Hj. HassanPenerbit: Telaga BiruTahun Terbit: 2020Bahasa: MelayuGenre: Al-Quran Hukum TajwidISBN: 9550563004201Ukuran: 33 cm x 23 cmSaiz: B4Ketebalan: 624 m/sHalaman: BerwarnaFormat : Hard cover Kelebihan Al-Quran: Mempunyai 3 kod warna sebagai panduan bagi Waqaf dan Ibtida'...